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32-bit vs. 64 bit Windows, programs and Processor: What’s the difference between them?

Choosing a processor or operating system is not a simple task, especially when technical terms start to appear which are as foreign as Chinese.

When installing an operating system you have the option of using either the 32 or the 64-bit version. When buying a computer CPU or a smartphone, you will find that both 32 and 64-bit processors are available. What is the difference? Which is better? Can you really notice a difference between them? We are going to try to answer these questions.

32-bit vs. 64 bit cpu

In computing, lots of concepts are linked to bits because bits are the DNA of computing and therefore, everything revolves around them.

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How to create, delete, and manage user accounts in Windows 10?

Although perhaps the most usual is to use Window with a single user account, it is often necessary to have multiple accounts, especially on shared computers. This makes things a lot easier when we share the computer with our siblings, roommates or if underage users have access to the PC and we want to control their access.

For this, Microsoft’s operating system offers the possibility to create different users accounts, to manage, eliminate, or to give them certain privileges. That is why, we are going to share below a small guide on user accounts in Windows 10, how to create a new account, enable a guest account, change to administrator account, delete accounts, etc.

Create a new user account and rename accounts

If you want to create a new user account, then the first thing you have to do is go to the Windows 10 Settings page from the Start menu and select Accounts. Once you do this, enter the Family & other people section and you will see in the right panel the options of adding a relative or another person. If you want to create an account for anyone then choose the second option, then enter their email account, click next and it’s done. If you do not have access data for that person, then you can click on this option and indicate the email and password that you want to use to log in to the system.

Windows 10 account

If on the contrary you want to create a family account, then select the add family option. This makes it possible for all family members to set up their own login and desktop or to make children not have access to certain websites, applications, games or even set time limits for using the PC.

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How to disable and enable a user account in Windows 10

Microsoft’s operating system offers the ability to create user accounts so that each person who uses the same computer has their own account to manage their files and applications with the necessary permissions. When we turn on the computer and start the operating system, we will see the Windows 10 login screen. In this screen, we can see how the list of the active user accounts in the system appears in the lower left corner.

Just by choosing your account from that list and entering the password, you will login to Windows 10. However, there are some tasks or functions that will only be available to the computer’s administrator user, such as being able to manage these user accounts. The system administrator will be the one that can create, delete, activate or deactivate a user account in Windows 10.

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Can Windows 10 Cloud stand up to Chrome OS?

Mobility, work in the cloud, mobile devices, telecommuting; all of them, among many others, are concepts that have become increasingly common elements in our daily lives, whether it’s while moving in our home or professional environment.

As time passes, regular users of technology, whether in desktop environments or those focused on mobile devices, have been looking for ways to work with all their products in a more centralized way. Evidently the Cloud has been taken as base, thanks to different services using Internet, dealing with lighter devices and applications that allow greater mobility and having all of them, at both software and hardware levels, as unified as possible.

Because of this in the middle of last year 2015 Microsoft, as you all know, made available to users the latest version of its popular operating system, Windows 10. From the beginning, the company has tried with this launch to create a “Windows 10 environment” that allows its clients to work with all their data on all types of devices based on the same system and from anywhere, facilitating their access through PCs, platforms and, again, through the Cloud. However, so far, it has not satisfied the expectations that were initially set on this project.

However there is another environment that is growing exponentially, although somewhat slower on the old continent, Chrome OS, an alternative open source operating system from Google that in the future aims to become a direct competitor of Windows. If something characterizes this proposal is precisely its lightness, good performance and being multi platform; that is to say, it covers a large part of the needs of the current users. In addition, now that manufacturers are launching interesting products specially designed for this free platform and it has already begun its compatibility with Android apps, it is expected that its breakthrough in the near future will be much greater.

Will we see a Windows 10 Cloud vs. Chrome OS confrontation?

For some time now the people at Redmond have been trying to make PC manufacturers ignore Chrome OS, something that although they have achieved until now, it’s beginning to change, so it is expected that Microsoft will have to try something new to not be left behind in some environments. This is the thought behind the arrival of Windows 10 Cloud, a new variant of the popular operating system, namely a simplified version of the original Windows focused on the cloud and designed to run all kinds of applications from the company’s official store on all types of devices, in addition to a lower cost for users and even possibly free for PC manufacturers.

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Is Windows 10 Game Mode needed for “hardcore” gamers?

Windows 10 Game Mode

As we have talked about several times in recent weeks, in the month of April Microsoft plans to release to all users who now use Windows 10, the expected by many Creators Update, which, as it has been speculated for some time, will come full of new features.

A good part of these have been already revealed thanks to the users participating in the Insider program of the firm and have already been commented, although one of the latest to arrive at the mentioned program is precisely one of the more interesting new features to a good part of the community. Microsoft has been aware that its latest version of Windows is already preferred by most PC gamers around the world, and they wanted to go a step further.

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How to enable or turn on system restore in Windows 10

To protect our computer against viruses or a defective software this is best weapon. In just a few steps it allows us to restore the computer to a previous state and everything goes back to normal. This time we are going to show you how to enable system restore in Windows 10. It’s a quick process, without any further effort.

It’s a feature that few users value when having to deal with any threat. Obviously, we have to say that its use expose the computer to certain risk of losing information. This will depend on the frequency in which the restore points are created and the frequency in which we decide to use them. The more distant to the present day it’s more probable to happen. We also have to mention that enabling it will impact in the available storage capacity, although that’s something we can configure during the enabling process and once functioning.

How to enable system restore in Windows 10

In first place, we have to look for the configuration menu of this function. Since Windows 10 is organized differently than other versions of Redmond operative systems, let’s turn to Cortana. Writing “restore point” it should appear as first option “Create a restore point”. By selecting it, it will open a window in the tab that has what we are looking for. For those who want to look for it, it’s found in the System Properties window under the system protection tab, as you can see in the next image:

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How to control the temperature and speed of your processor or graphic card

Our computers have hardware components that determine the performance of our equipment. Among them, we can highlight the processor or CPU and RAM, but we cannot leave out the importance of the motherboard and graphics cards, especially in computers from where we spend more time playing our favorite games. Although good components can always guarantee a great performance, there are some external agents that can alter their behavior or the performance itself.

Heat or high temperatures are one of your biggest enemies, even though the components themselves transform the energy they need to run on heat, while they are working. Today’s processors, boards, memories, or graphics cards are designed to withstand high temperatures, however, if we put them to work for a long time, we increase the risk of breakdowns and strange behavior.

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Can Microsoft increase its performance with the new Windows 10 Game Mode?

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The filtration of the 14997 Build does not stop bringing us surprises in the way of new functions. The day before yesterday we found that Windows 10 will include a new function to filter blue light, and a few hours ago a Twitter user by the name of @h0x0d, know for the veracity of their filtrations, has explored this build of Windows 10 and found a curious novelty: a file by the name of ‘’gamemode.dll’’, that lets us understand that this Game Mode will come in the Creators Update in the coming spring.

What can Microsoft do to improve performance?

Half of the users of Steam use Windows 10, which is why adding a Game Mode may suppose a coming improvement, but; what margin of handling does Microsoft have to improve the performance in a computer when you’re gaming by simply introducing a Game Mode? For this, we will analyze the components on which the performance of a game depend on: Processor, Graphic Card, RAM Memory, and Storage Unit.

Windows 10 Game Mode

Beforehand, we must imagine what Game Mode will do in Windows 10. There are two possible paths. First, we come across a Mode that gives priority to the execution of Games over Programs, how some utilities function already, and actually serve no purpose. The other option is that Microsoft introduces a real improvement at the Operative System level, seeing as it has access to all levels of software, doing something similar to what an Xbox One does, where the console works with an optimized 3 to 1 Operational System.

Windows 10 Game Mode

When it comes to the Processor, it is rare to find a game that forces it to 100% capacity. If you have an i5 or i7 that is less than three years old, it is probable that your processor has never reached 100% load while gaming.This is why closing processes when gaming has low impact on performance.

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What is Windows virtual memory and Recommended virtual memory (Paging file)size in Windows 10 for 8gb ram

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Virtual memory is a technique used by operating systems to access a greater amount of memory than the physically available, resorting to alternative storage solutions when the installed RAM is exhausted. In this article we will learn how it works and what we must do to configure it optimally.

As many readers know, computers use RAM to store the files and data needed by both the operating system and the software that we are running; its high performance guarantees optimum operation but, sooner or later, it always ends up filling. It is at this moment when Windows needs to resort to virtual memory.

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Dolby Atmos will soon be compatible with Windows 10: what does it offer?

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The most important multi-channel sound technologies worldwide are the well-known DTS and Dolby. First came DTS and Dolby Digital in terms of 5.1 sound technologies, followed by DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD that added 7.1 sound and were only losslessly supported with HDMI wiring. The latest iterations of both companies are DTS: X and Dolby Atmos.

DTS: X has taken longer to hit the market, having started to be available for the first time this summer, while Dolby Atmos has been on the market for some time. Both technologies create virtual environments capable of mixing sounds vertically and horizontally, which improves the positioning of sounds in a 3D space in environments such as video games or movies.

Dolby Atmos to hit PC and Xbox One next year

Dolby Atmos basically creates a 3D 360º sound experience thanks to its system that organizes each sound individually, divided into ‘objects’. In previous systems the sound was assigned to a specific channel, whereas Dolby Atmos allocates the sound within a three-dimensional XYZ space. The amplifier reads the information and places the sound where it corresponds, being able to operate from two loudspeakers up to 64 in cinemas.

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