
Dolby Atmos with Windows 10 & Xbox One: Set-up, Solve Sound Issues and more

Windows 10 and Xbox One (S & X) support movies, [TV] series and games in Dolby Atmos. We help with setup and often-occurring first sound issues. Modern sound bars work with additional speakers, which direct Atmos sounds towards the ceiling. The room reflects the sound …

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How to cleap up your Windows 10 PC and laptop: How to do it right

This is how you free your hard disk from data junk as your computer might respond more and more slowly, turning it on takes even longer and when storage space becomes scarce. Our guide provides valuable tips on how to free your computer from useless …

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Windows 10 Full Version Free Download (Home / Pro version 32 / 64 bit ISO)

The big release of the new Microsoft O.S day has come, and the firm hasn’t wasted any time to release the Windows 10 ISO, at the same time that it has begun to upgrade Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PC’s for free and that progressively …

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Chromebook vs. Windows Laptop, what’s the difference?

If you have only recently become acquainted with Chromebooks and you would like to know more about the differences between them and Windows PCs, you have come to the right place. Chromebooks are extraordinary laptops for a number of reasons and they have advantages and …

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Protection against ransomware and exploits: this is how Windows Defender’s security is improved with the Fall Creators Update

The highly anticipated Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is now in our hands. This new OS version comes with a lot of novelties and features, greatly improving the ones that the system already had. In fact, the brand has focused both on the OS’ own …

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Windows 10 Fall Creators Update Bloatware Free: a clean and lightweight Windows

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update Bloatware Free is now available and it may draw the interest of users looking for a ‘clean’ and lightweight system built on Windows 10’s new version. It is an unofficial custom version built using the MSMG Toolkit v7.7 and Windows …

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Best Free PC Cleaner / PC tune up software 2018

Check out our selection of the best free programs for cleaning up your computer. Do programs struggle to load on your computer and do websites take a long time to be displayed? Do you have the impression that your computer is running slowly? If so, …

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The guide to improve your gaming performance on Windows 10

We are now in full E3, one of the most important gaming events, and to celebrate it, we wanted to dedicate this Sunday’s guide to pick and explain a series of key points that will help you to improve your gaming PC’s performance. To make …

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You can start upgrading to Windows 10 Creators Update on April 5th.

Windows 10 Creators Update, the new and highly anticipated version of Windows 10, is almost upon us. Microsoft is already finalizing the arrival of this new update to be able to release it definitively next April 11, however, because its launch will be progressive, the …

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How to change a drive from FAT32 to NTFS format and vice versa?

You have a USB key or an external hard drive in FAT32 format and you would like to convert it to NTFS in order to bypass the 4 GB file size limitation. Or, you want to convert a drive from NTFS to FAT32 for better …

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