Checking the privacy settings after upgrading to Windows 10 Threshold 2

A portion of users are reporting that the upgrade to Windows 10 Threshold 2 resets the privacy settings by default, it reinstalls previously removed native applications, as well as file associations.

Windows 10 Threshold 2 is the first major update to the new Microsoft operating system since its launch in late July and it’s highly recommended for users because it includes improvements in all aspects. In overall performance, user interface, Cortana assistant, Edge browser, in updating its device drivers, in compatibility with applications, and also in business management and security features, as a nod to facilitate implementation and deployment of Windows 10 in companies of all sizes.

However, resetting passwords or reinstalling applications requires some customization time after updating the system. This should not be necessary because this upgrade is prepared to leave user settings exactly as you had them before upgrading, without adding eliminated applications and without changing file associations.

In this case, this also goes for privacy options, which are important in Windows 10 because Microsoft has connected the system with applications and services and collects data better than any other Windows version. Some speak of ‘big brother’ and spying everything that a user does and others simply attribute it to a regular data collection in connected software.

Anyway, once you upgrade to Windows 10 Threshold 2 you should review these options through the complete privacy guide that we posted. And not just the privacy options that are related to data collection, but the connection to “suggested” public Wi-Fi networks and the dangerous automatic connection to “networks shared by your contacts” or downloading applications and Windows updates from other PCs through peer networks.

As for the reinstalled applications, these are the (universal) native applications that come with the operating system. For many users working on a PC without touch screen and that use other third-party x86 applications, these Modern UI apps are disposable. But they don’t really take a lot of space and some can be useful when using a tablet or a 2-in-1 device.

Lastly, you can easily manage file associations (or the application that opens by default when you click on a particular file) with the appropriate system tool, which you can access in Settings-System-Default Applications.

Read More:
How to upgrade to Windows 10 Threshold 2
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