Our readers speak: Mid-range or high-end graphics?

When we assemble a PC or update an existing configuration we have the option of choosing high-end or mid-range graphics cards, a decision that can end up being rather complicated , especially if we have a decent budget.

The decision is important because it affects not only user experience when it comes to playing our favourite games, but also the upgrade cycle which we will be subjected to.

If we opt for a high end graphics card it is very likely that we won’t have to upgrade for up to four or five years if it our monitors native resolution doesn’t change. On the other hand if we chose a mid-range graphics card it’s is very likely that we will have to upgrade sooner (between two and three years).

This means that although high-end graphics cards are a bigger investment, they can also provide an optimal experience for longer, which helps to make the investment profitable.

With mid-range graphics cards we spend less but also we have a reduced life-span that can give signs of attrition much earlier than the higher range models.

A clear example of this is in the 680 GTX and Radeon HD 7970, which are still offering a very good performance in games with 1080p resolutions slightly adjusting the quality levels to values of high or very high, depending on each game in particular. The two arrived in 2012 with an average price of $500.

On the other end, the most popular mid-range cards of that era, the 660 GTX and Radeon HD 7850, still allow us to play in 1080p with medium quality values if we want to enjoy a good FPS rate. They were also released in 2012 and their average price was $250.

Personally I always prefer to buy the high-end solution rather than the economical one that is available at the time, since they tend to offer the best value for money, how about you? Add your opinion to the comments section.

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