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MSPY: Tracking and controlling a Smartphone is easy

Without a doubt, the smartphone is the device we use most during the day, to such an extent that this device has become indispensable for our life and needs that it is practically impossible to develop any of our activities without the comforting touch of its casing between our belongings. Of course, this dependence on the phone is associated with certain psychological problems more than to the things that are really necessary and important in life, but we can just install some application to help us with that too.

Joking aside, if at people would realize how many things we used to do differently, and even easier before being replaced with a digital alternative, they would be astonished. This leads us to think that, since we depend on smartphones so much, if we were to lose it or if it was stolen we would be absolutely paralyzed, in addition to of course losing all the information that it has stored in its entrails.


That last part is the point you should be most concerned with, since in the case you carry confidential or sensitive information on our cell phone, it could be used for criminal purposes by anyone who finds it or steals it.

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Best Gaming Mouse Under 50 dollars 2018; The right one for you is listed here

Gaming Mice are as much important for a gamer and a PC enthusiast as the GPU or the processor. It is also the subject people care about the least. Lags when playing Counter Strike is measurable.

When you are playing a demanding game or running a benchmark you can clearly see the FPS or the score to come to a conclusion about your laptop of your PC. For gaming alone, the results can be usually very conclusive.

The thing we tend to miss out on is the actual gaming experience. Do you miss your enemy, even when you thought he was directly at your crosshairs? Do you tend to play games on “Easy” setting because you just can’t handle the game’s difficulty? There are many reasons why this can happen. High pings, display latency, human error but more often than not the reason is sitting right under your nose – Your mouse.

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Can Microsoft increase its performance with the new Windows 10 Game Mode?

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The filtration of the 14997 Build does not stop bringing us surprises in the way of new functions. The day before yesterday we found that Windows 10 will include a new function to filter blue light, and a few hours ago a Twitter user by the name of @h0x0d, know for the veracity of their filtrations, has explored this build of Windows 10 and found a curious novelty: a file by the name of ‘’gamemode.dll’’, that lets us understand that this Game Mode will come in the Creators Update in the coming spring.

What can Microsoft do to improve performance?

Half of the users of Steam use Windows 10, which is why adding a Game Mode may suppose a coming improvement, but; what margin of handling does Microsoft have to improve the performance in a computer when you’re gaming by simply introducing a Game Mode? For this, we will analyze the components on which the performance of a game depend on: Processor, Graphic Card, RAM Memory, and Storage Unit.

Windows 10 Game Mode

Beforehand, we must imagine what Game Mode will do in Windows 10. There are two possible paths. First, we come across a Mode that gives priority to the execution of Games over Programs, how some utilities function already, and actually serve no purpose. The other option is that Microsoft introduces a real improvement at the Operative System level, seeing as it has access to all levels of software, doing something similar to what an Xbox One does, where the console works with an optimized 3 to 1 Operational System.

Windows 10 Game Mode

When it comes to the Processor, it is rare to find a game that forces it to 100% capacity. If you have an i5 or i7 that is less than three years old, it is probable that your processor has never reached 100% load while gaming.This is why closing processes when gaming has low impact on performance.

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What is Windows virtual memory and Recommended virtual memory (Paging file)size in Windows 10 for 8gb ram

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Virtual memory is a technique used by operating systems to access a greater amount of memory than the physically available, resorting to alternative storage solutions when the installed RAM is exhausted. In this article we will learn how it works and what we must do to configure it optimally.

As many readers know, computers use RAM to store the files and data needed by both the operating system and the software that we are running; its high performance guarantees optimum operation but, sooner or later, it always ends up filling. It is at this moment when Windows needs to resort to virtual memory.

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How to spy on someones phone: Software for spying on cell phones

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There are many reasons why someone might feel the need to spy on the activities of someone they know, and to have the ability to spy on their mobile phone and access the information stored in it – above all their instant messaging conversations.

In the majority of cases, when someone feels the need to spy on a cellphone it usually belongs to the person they are in a relationship with, especially when they suspect that their significant other is seeing new people, or what is worse, being unfaithful.

Software for spying on cell phones

Spying on other people’s conversations, mail and other aspects of their private life is illegal, and reading or listening in on conversations is a criminal offense and raises issues of morality and confidence. Irregardless, some people can not resist the temptation of knowing this private information and use this type of software to spy on their partner’s mobile phone.

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How to completely remove or uninstall an antivirus program in Windows 10

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We all know that these days installing a Windows program is very easy and uninstalling it can be even easier. It is just a matter of clicking “Next” a few times and the Windows program will be installed or uninstalled, it’s as easy as that.

However, this procedure is not as easy to carry out when we are trying to uninstall an antivirus; many times the uninstallation procedure will not work well, this is fundamentally due to the complex nature of this type of software and the way in which it interacts with the different modules of the operating system. When this occurs we are forced to resort to third-party software to solve the problem.

ESET AV Remover

In these types of cases, one of the best tools for uninstalling antivirus software is ESET AV Remover, which, on top of providing the possibility of removing many types of antivirus software, lends a helping hand in the removal of other types of programs when the conventional method of uninstalling does not work as it is supposed to, that is to say those programs who’s uninstallation can be considered as “problematic”.

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The Best Android Antivirus 2017 for Phone and tablet

Surprisingly, in the year 2014, millions of threats were found in Android smartphones and Tablets. We could say that mobile malware is in full progress. It has plenty of possibilities: the sending of expensive SMS, spy on user data, taking over of Facebook or Twitter accounts or even annoying you with unwanted advertisement.

In 2015, the threats are still going on, but now they are tougher to detect and to avoid. If you want to be well protected, you need a good Android antivirus app, but which is the best App?

What is the price of mobile security?

In this big test, this time we’ve only chosen a few paid Antivirus apps, since all the big PC Security software manufacturers also offer their own Antivirus apps, but for free. However, this apps tend to leave out important functions such as: theft or phishing protection. Because of this, full protection can be achieved for a payment (between 10 and 30 dollars per year).

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Best Laptop 2017 Buying Guide

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Laptops are in high demand because of the great advantages that they offer such as the possibility to transport them almost anywhere. However, choosing the right one can become very complicated.

For this reason, and because we are sure that more than one of our readers will be thinking about buying a laptop for themselves or for someone else, we wanted to write this special article. In it, as always, we will give a series of tips to help you make the right choice and we will offer a few recommendations for some products which we consider to be good buys based on their price to quality ratio.

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The best free VPN to navigate privately in 2017

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Privacy is an aspect that has increased in value when navigating the internet, but it has become harder and harder to get. The users’ data is too valuable for companies and is used in a multitude of network activities. For this reason, Virtual Private Networks or VPN Are gaining ground as they allow us to navigate the web anonymously, if you want to give them a chance in 2017, here we give you a compilation of the best free VPN.

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WIFI vs Ethernet, which one should you use and why?

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Wifi connections have made our lives much easier, because thanks to them we can create a network in which we can connect multiple devices in a simpler and more secure way, without the need of cables. But we must also take into account that they do not offer the same advantages as a cable connection.

It is a question that has been widely debated, but even today, continues to present itself with doubts, which is the reason why we have created a special article in which we will reflect on the subject of wireless connections and cable connections.

Velocity, the brakes could be your connection

When talking about the transfer speeds, it must be clear that the release of the standard WiFi AC has allowed an enormous launch of the same types of wireless connections for current models such as the NETGEAR R6300v2 which are capable of reaching maximum speeds of 1,300 Mbps.

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