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MSI Introduces its Gaming Z versions for GTX 1070 and 1080

Being the top hardware gaming brand in the world, MSI proudly launches the best graphics cards which work with the new pascal nucleus. The highly exclusive graphics cards MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Gaming Z 8G and MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Gaming Z 8G represent the absolute zenith for the accomplished Geforce GTX graphics cards of the personalized 10 series. Likewise Z comes as the last letter of the alphabet, this alphabetical icon has come now to represent the final form of the MSI Gaming graphics cards.

MSI GTX 1070

By using the award-winning heat-sinking design Twin Frozr VI with its magnificent cooling capacity, the advantage accomplished is just amazing, as a result it allows the Z Gaming graphics cards really high clock speeds for both the nucleus and the memory. An entirely new design custom-printed circuit board works with Military Class 4 components with an 8-pin connector in addition to the usual 6-pin to allow a higher overclock performance in order to give the maximum performance to this great graphics card.

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Acer Predator 15 G9-591-70XR Review

Predator emerges as a gaming brand.

The gaming fever seems to be living a great moment. Much it is so, that no brand has wanted to miss out this opportunity and has all joined the trend.

One of the most notable cases is Acer, which until now has concentrated in offering mid-range laptops at a very competitive price. To break with this image as older brands have done in the past, they have developed the Predator family to differentiate themselves from range-computers, with their own nomenclature and personality.

And now we’re going to make inside the first truly portable gaming laptop of the brand an analysis of the Acer Predator 15. We don’t count anymore with an unremarkable design that goes unnoticed, and its features are light years ahead from the rest of the laptops of the brand.

Acer Predator 15

Among the features of the Acer Predator 15, we count with a pointer hardware with an Intel i7 6th generation processor along with a NVIDIA GTX 980M graphic card, also with a primary 256 GB SSD with a 1 TB secondary disk.

It also counts with 16 GB of RAM DDR4 memory that can enlarge itself to 64 GB. We also have a series of innovating features in the cooling system which we will mention next and what makes it so attractive. The predators have come to give a good bite to the market.


If you had to draw in your mind an Acer laptop, the image that you would have would certainly be different from this chassis. We can see how it has made a great effort to make a chassis with very innovating lines, and we can say that it has managed to have its own personality.

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How to Hack Facebook – Everything you should know

Everybody wants to learn how to hack Facebook, but in Google, the only thing you will find are fake websites that are going to make you lose money and cheat users with fake programs. From ULITE.ORG we are going to teach you how to do it and how you can protect yourself from hackers, without cheat, without pay, and without scams. Here you can find information about the most used technique and the one you must have more attention if you don’t want to be hacked. Besides, remember that doing it is illegal and non-ethic and the most common scenario is that the same person that tries to steal and an account in Facebook ends up hacked. Be alert with the websites you find when searching in Google about hacking Facebook. Almost every results are going to ask for your telephone number, your credit card’s information, fill surveys, etc. Don’t be a victim of this kind of cheats and learn in our web before being hacked trying to hack a Facebook account.

The tutorial step by step to go in-depth in the ethic world of hacking (remember that we do not agree with hacking because it’s illegal) is in the end, but we recommend you to read the article entirely. Do a hacking process takes time, and all the websites that claim to extract the passwords through some clicks and waiting are no that less than scams. Be careful and don’t let them steal your money, there aren’t software to hack Facebook with one click, don’t fall into this trap!

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Free Antivirus Fusion, Avast buys AVG for 1,300 million.

Two companies that were founded and were predestinated to get fused, were Avast and AVG. Almost 30 years after its foundation, the fate has been met: Avast has thrown an offer to buy AVG for 1300 millions of dollars. The operation will be completed when the authorities of the competence give their approval.

It comes of an important fusion because we are talking about two of the biggest companies of free antivirus software. AVG Antivirus Free Edition and Avast! Free Antivirus 2016, always are shown in the ranking of best free antivirus. In fact, between the two companies, there are more than 400 millions of users, being divided between 250 millions of users of PC/MAC and 160 millions of users of free antivirus for smartphones.

In the press release that announces the acquisition, the Counselor and Delegate of Avast Vicent Steckler, counts with a funny anecdote: While the presentation of the products of Avast amongst a great audience was made, a gentleman got close to him and congrats him for the presentation and confessed that he was interested into ‘know more things about the AVG’s products’.

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Microsoft redefines the multi-GPU applications.

Everyone knows that one of the biggest projects that Microsoft is working is the new API DX12, which is the new possibility of blending graphics cards regardless which company has built their graphic core, something that will leave obsolete in an immediate matter the actual SLI and CrossFire of Nvidia and AMD. Now Microsoft has …

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How to hack an Android Phone – is this really possible?

Hello!, if you’re coming in, it’s because you want to understand how to hack android phones. That’s precisely what I am going to be teaching to you in this 100% free tutorial, here we will see how the hackers actually hack a PC remotely, and thus we shall be well warned against them.

Hackers pursue the following objectives:

  • To erase the SD Card or to format the device.
  • To take pictures with the frontal and back camera.
  • To receive the exact location of the device through Google Maps.
  • To perform audio recordings.
  • To spy the messages and the call history.

Please take into account that the purpose of this tutorial is mainly informative. There are many people suffering robberies who need to access their mobile phones again just to erase all sensitive or important/private information. So, if your objective in learning this stuff is doing evil by hacking everyone’s mobile phones with this tutorial’s techniques, we can accept no responsibility whatsoever and will not be liable for any damage you may cause through the application of our teachings. We do not recommend, as well, any remote method that works by means of Bluetooth, since this technique has been proved not working. Our technique works by means of Wifi or normal internet connection.

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Best Wireless Router for Gaming 2016

Nearly a week ago, we share with you all a especial guide, in which we gave you a few recommendations to help you to choose the perfect router, and to complete that article we have wanted to do a second part in which we are going to give some advice that will help to enjoy the possibilities that offer a gaming router.

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We explain the new nomenclature of AMD graphics

You may have already realized that with the new generation of graphic cards, AMD has change their nomenclature once again, generating doubts and controversy among the users and even the experts as always. Therefore, the manufacturer has come to the rescue to explain the details of this new nomenclature that will be used from now on.

The new nomenclature that AMD is using in this generation of graphic cards is, as always, indicative if it’s known how to interpret. Coming up next we are going to explain it in the simplest way possible to leave no room for any doubts. In the explanation, we are going to take off from the next slide.

AMD graphics

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Recover files from flash drives with MiniTool Power Data Recovery

To recover information deleted by mistake, from formatted units or recovering complete File systems is not always easy and the results may be so varied. What we do know is that this usually is an expensive, with expensive programs, with some exceptions.

Power Data Recovery

To recover files from usb drives is not a simple task and do not get confused, it is not always possible and most likely we will not be able to recover all of the information. There are apps that will allow us to recover a great part of the files, especially if those files have not been “footed” by another information. To act soon is important.

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