Seven warning signals that you need to buy a new PC

Using obsolete computers until they “can’t go on”, stretching the useful life of a device beyond what is reasonable, can result in errors or slowness in the execution of the system or resulting applications, is a torture and can test the patience of any user.

Much more so for a professional or a business, because a computer park made up mostly of obsolete equipment interferes in the daily labor of the employees and ends up resulting in lower productivity with a direct relation between the acquisition of devices with high computing power and the efficiency of operations on general.

Taking into account the increased cost of maintaining obsolete equipment, the total cost of ownership of the new equipment is easily redeemable by the increase in productivity, connectivity or mobility offered by the latest generations of devices.

But, when is the time to buy a new PC? A reminder of some warning signs that it is time to update:

1. You can not install the latest operating system. New versions of the operating systems were not a big priority for many users and companies, and generally the computers were kept with the original system. The development trend has completely changed. Updates to the operating system are no longer limited to security aspects and are more important and desirable than ever.

2. You can not run the latest applications and games. As with the operating system, applications and games are becoming more powerful and demand a higher level of hardware.

3. The computer runs slowly. The slowness of a computer can be difficult to define, but you will notice it when you suffer it. For example, if a large amount of time transpires between pressing the boot button and the desktop displaying; the computer freezes when you have a dozen open tabs in your browser or if you can write a whole phrase in the word processor before a single word appears on the screen.

4. You can not connect to other devices. Another clear sign of aging comes from the lack of connectivity with new peripherals and accessories, as there is no support for the latest technologies and standards, such as Wi-Fi ac, Thunderbolt 3 or USB Type C or not being able to connect to a monitor with ultra high resolution.

5. You do not have space in storage, memory or CPU. If the hard disc’s capacity is stuffed to the maximum, RAM is generally used in its entirety or CPU use exceeds 80% with almost any activity on your PC, these are warning signals that the hardware is reaching its limit and problems will accumulate in the future.

6. Too much noise. As with an automobile engine, a new, unexpected or louder than normal noise is often a bad sign. If the noise of the fan gets louder this could be a sign that the CPU is working harder than it used to or that there are problems with overheating. (Read More:  Best Thermal paste for CPU)

7. You spend more time troubleshooting problems on your PC than using it. Apart from the above problems, there is still a more revealing sign that warns of the need to replace your PC: when solving problems becomes an almost daily task.

Remember that computers do not live forever and before they reach their end can give many problems, and stretching their useful life beyond the reasonable ends up leading to higher maintenance and reparation costs, in addition to the lost productivity, connectivity or mobility which we can obtain by buying a new device.

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