Windows 10 smartphones will also run Android and iOS applications

Windows 10 smartphones will be able to run Android and iOS applications; this was announced by Terry Myerson, vice president of development of Microsoft operating systems.

Meanwhile we continue to review the first day of the BUILD 2015 conference with the other big announcements, with the rumors of application support for other competing platforms in Windows 10 Mobile.

These recurring rumors were quite the talk for years, even when it was known that Android and iOS razed over the mobile market and barely left Windows Phone with a share of 4 percent, which is ridiculous for Microsoft.

And that’s the goal: to increase market share of the mobile version of Windows by preventing the user to discard the platform due to lack of applications or games that are available in others.

To this end, Microsoft will provide developers with a development kit and will support code written in C++ and Java for Android applications in Visual Studio. Likewise it will support Objective C, the language in which iOS applications are written.

It should be clarified whether such applications will run on a “subsystem” additional to Windows 10. Beyond the spectacular headline that Windows 10 smartphones will run Android and iOS applications, they have not really shown many details of how it will work.

Myerson has demonstrated the operation of the Choice Hotels application for Android, but more on sandbox mode than if it were a native application. We assume that the clarifications will arrive in the upcoming days of BUILD 2015, and we will be the first to tell you, along with important Visual Studio developments that will have a more specific article.

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