NVIDIA graphics cards could return to Apple computers

NVIDIA published a job listing looking for an engineer to “help produce the next revolutionary Apple products”, and of course this made us assume that either both companies are in talks to use the new NVIDIA graphics cards in the next generation of Apple laptops, or they already have an agreement to do so.

In the past, Apple used to offer its computers with both AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards, but for several product generations the people in Cupertino limited their options to either use an Intel integrated graphics or a dedicated AMD, leaving NVIDIA out of the equation. This appears to have changed, or at least it may be assumed since otherwise it would be absurd for NVIDIA to publish such job listing.

Today, all MacBook Pro, iMac and Mac Pro (the ones that use (or are able to use) dedicated graphics cards), use AMD graphics chips, while the rest of Apple computers used Intel integrated graphics. For example, 15 inches Macbook Pro has an AMD Radeon M370X with a 2GB GDDR5 Memory, while Mac Pro uses a couple of AMD FirePro D300 / D500 professional graphics cards and the iMac 5K (those lower use Intel integrated graphics cards) has a Radeon M380 / M385 / M390 depending on the model.


Adding NVIDIA to the equation would certainly be great news for users, since as we always say and you probably think, having a choice is always a big plus, even if it’s only between two options. In addition, with the latest generations that AMD and NVIDIA launched, efficiency has been greatly enhanced, which translates in high performance with low power consumption and low heat generation, all this being especially good for Apple products that boast slim designs and having everything integrated.

What do you think about being able to choose between AMD and NVIDIA for the graphics card in your Apple computer?

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