Nvidia almost has its GTX 950 Ti graphic card ready

Maybe AMD is not giving Nvidia much of a war, but that doesn’t mean that the guys at Santa Clara can rest on their laurels. That’s why they are preparing the GTX 950 Ti as a substitute of the old GTX 750 and 750 Ti that have been among us for over a year and a half now.

The new chip included has the GM206-250 denomination, a new GM206-300 version of the GTX 960, and being of the same GTX series (not the GT) should give it a good performance at 1080p games, but at a more affordable price than the GTX 960 (which can be now found in some models for less than 200 dollars).

The GTX 750 and the 750i were the first cards with the Maxwell architecture to come to the market, and its major characteristic is playing at 1080p with a consumption of around 55-60 W. It is a good card for HTPCs, but also for any other PC.

The GTX 950 Ti should have some similar specs to the GTX 960 since they both are based on the same chip. The usual cuts in this versions usually have to do with CUDA core reduction, its speed and the memory frequency.

Compare GTX
Feature GeForce GTX 750 GeForce GTX 750 Ti GeForce GTX 960
Chip GM107 GM107 GM206
Variant GM107-300-A2 GM107-400-A2 GM206-300-A1
Shaders 512 640 1024
Computer 4 5 8
Texture units 32 40 64
Rendering 16 16 32
Speed 1020MHz 1020MHz 1127MHz
Boost 1085MHz 1085MHz 1216MHz
Size 1GB 2GB 2GB
Memory Bus 128 bits 128 bits 128 bits
Freq memory 5,012GHz 5,4GHz 7,012GHz
Bandwidth 80,2 GB/s 86,4 GB/s 112 GB/s
consumption 55W 60W 120W

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