Keyboard shortcuts for window management and multiple desktops in Windows 10

Windows 10 also introduces improvements in window management, and it is also expected to introduce virtual desktops or multiple desktops. Here are some key combinations that can help you accelerate some functions.

Windows 10 has an anchoring window system through desktop extremes but you can structure your windows more quickly through key combinations:

  • Windows key + Right: anchors the window to the right.
  • Windows key + Left: anchors the window to the left.
  • Windows key + Up: Maximizes the window.
  • Windows key + Down: Minimizes the window.

You can combine the arrow keys to adjust the windows to the corners of the desktop. That is, if you press Windows Key + Right and then Up (holding the Windows key), you can adjust the window to the upper right corner (The desktop is divided into four quadrants by default). If you keep holding the Windows key you can use the arrow keys to scroll the window where you want.

If you want to tab quickly between virtual desktops then you have these combinations:

  • Windows key + Tab: Shows the summary of open windows and virtual desktops.
  • Alt + Tab: Shows the classic summary of open windows that you can also set up to open the other virtual desktops or only those present in the current desktop.
  • Ctrl + Windows key + right: Opens the virtual desktop to the right of the most current.
  • Ctrl + Windows Key + Left: Open the virtual desktop to the left of the most current.
  • Ctrl + Windows Key + D: Opens a new virtual desktop.
  • Ctrl + Windows key + F4: Closes the current virtual desktop (Opened windows are placed on the main desktop, not closed).

Certainly it’s still missing some key combinations to move windows between virtual desktops, but so far nothing is planned for this yet.

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