Which is better: the iPhone or a top-of-the-range Android smartphone? Don’t look at the specifications
Let’s clear the field of misunderstandings right away: while it is possible, of course, to compare the features of the iOS and Android operating systems, thinking you can compare the technical specifications of the iPhone with those of Android smartphones is a mistake – and also pretty sketchy -. Let’s see why.
Which is better: an iPhone or an Android smartphone?
When you try to compare one of the latest iPhone models with a top-range Android smartphone, you’ll be often shocked to hear that Apple phones only integrate 2 GB of RAM, whereas with one of the most convincing Android devices have at least 4 or even 6 GB of RAM. (Read More: How much RAM does Android smartphone need?)
Only the iPhone 7 Plus has recently introduced 3 GB of RAM (DRAM LPDDR4).
Still, an iPhone can guarantee high performance, absolutely comparable with those of “rival” smartphones in the Android universe..
So much so that – with the passage of time – different forks of Android were created, i.e. versions derived from the original Google code. Just think about Amazon’s FireOS, RemixOS and to all the various Android “custom ROMs” (i.e. CyanogenMod) installed on mobile devices.
Android must, therefore. have to deal with thousands of possible hardware configurations, completely different from each other.